Hip Hip Hooray! The end of a challenge, an era and a commute

03 June 2014

So I have been MIA for awhile, but for good reason.


It was a big "to-do" item on my goal list for 2014, not because I was unhappy at my old job (i miss everyone there a lot!) but the hour plus commute was really wearing me down. So overall, I made the leap to another publishing firm that is in downtown Chicago and I think it will be a great fit! So far the environment / work I am doing seems very creative and collaborative which is exactly what I needed.

So, I had to give the blog a little break so I could find my pace and decide if I wanted to keep it going. I decided that the answer is a resounding yes and my goal is to be more committed to posting daily or every other day. In the short time I have worked on this blog I have gathered new skills and ideas which carried over into my professional work in a positive way, so I figure it's a win win! I get a creative outlet during lunch breaks or down time and it makes me a better designer.

So my final illustration for my "non 30-day challenge" is that above. Cheers, pop, fiz, clink, horray! I am a very happy gal at the moment. My next post I would like to address the 30-day challenge, how I would do it again if I could start over, and what i took away from it.

But for now internet, I am still here, and bursting with fresh ideas and inspiration that I think will really show over the next few months.



illustration by Kaitlyn Bitner 

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