Oh my stars! Free art prints!

12 September 2014

As I was perusing Instagram this afternoon I saw a post that Caravan shoppe was giving away FREE art prints to promote their new space themed printable products! I have been a secret fan girl of Neil DeGrasse Tyson ever since this "stardust" youtube clip came across my desk a few years ago, so I immediately clicked over to download these and you should too! Free art work people!  These would look awesome in your office or filling out a gallery wall, which is what I plan to do with mine!

I have never, ever, been good at any single science class, but I have always had a fascination with space, the stars, and all things astrology related. I love visiting the planetarium, watching documentaries (that honestly I can barely comprehend) on the universe and cosmic discovery, and I even tune into Neil's podcast every once in awhile.

I highly recommend the show Cosmos, hosted by Neil, the reboot of the original hosted by Carl Sagan in the 80's. You can watch them all on Hulu here.

I hope you enjoy this chilly Friday (in the midwest!) and here are more star-related posts:

• This Ted Radio hour called "Peering into Space" is so fascinating, I listened to it twice!

• Best friend astrology prints on Etsy

• what's your sign? Fun necklaces

• Adler After Dark in Chicago is a perfect date night!

• Have you been to an astrology reading? I am fascinated and dying to go...

• Everything wrong with the movie "Gravity" 

1 comment:

  1. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the best!! I'm downloading all of these now - what an great find!


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