Oscar Bingo

28 February 2014

So it's been awhile since I checked in with the challenge; work, life and needing to exercise got the best of me. but I am back, and with something downloadable! woop!

I have always been a huge fan of awards shows and love to host or attend watch parties! The red carpet, the awkward speeches, celebrities who went crazy on the spray tan, I love it all!

And let's be honest, Ellen hosting anything is always hilarious and charming so part of the printables are some sweet Ellen bingo markers! My bets are that she undoubtedly has some hilarious punch lines, wears some sneakers with a bow tie - and seriously who else can pull that off and still be fabulous? - she's just fantastically cool - oh and for sure she dances, so get those markers ready!

So grab the bubbly, popcorn and Oscar themed hors d'oeuvres and download the cards and markers below! The cards are made to print on standard 8.5x11 paper.

Download the cards here 

Download the Ellen markers here


  1. I wish I'd seen this sooner! Looks awesome :) However, I do feel bad for Leo DiCaprio this year, always the bridesmaid...

    The London Project

    1. Thanks Charlotte! I Agree! I was rooting for Leo big time! Maybe next year! Cheers! xox


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