30 Day Design Challenge - Day 16

19 February 2014

For yesterday's design challenge, I attended a calligraphy class at Bar Toma hosted by Dabble with two girlfriends! The instructor Meg was super sweet and helpful and let everyone work at their own pace. I had never even held a calligraphy pen before so I definitely left with a new skill and appreciation for hand-lettering of any kind!

The class is perfect for a girls night out or someone that really want's to start learning the basic techniques. For 20$ we got a two hour instruction, a calligraphy pen and some parchment paper to practice at home. Pretty reasonable!

I would highly recommend this class to anyone in Chicago if you are looking for a fun week night activity! The class was 99% women and there were several graphic designers and chalkboard artists! A great way to meet other artists and like minded ladies in Chicago.

While I hardly got a handle on doing any real lettering or whimsical artwork, I would say with a little practice and patience I could develop this skill. It felt good to get away from the screen and physically create something that required a lot of concentration! Below are some shots I took of the evening.

*This post was not sponsored by Dabble or any other affiliates. All comments, photography and opinions are my own. 

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